About E gravel road bike

About E gravel road bike

Electric gravel road bikes have obvious advantages in off-road performance, mileage and environmental protection, and are very suitable for travel needs in rural and suburban areas. For users who like outdoor sports and pursue environmentally friendly travel, this type of bike is undoubtedly a good choice.


Electric gravel road bikes are mainly suitable for the following scenarios:


  • Rural roads: Due to the body design and tire selection, this bike can travel freely on rural dirt and gravel roads, providing farmers with an environmentally friendly and economical travel option.


  • Gravel roads: The tires and suspension system of this bike are specially designed to provide good passability and comfort on gravel roads.


  • Suburban environment: This bike is not only suitable for rural areas, but also for use in suburban secondary roads, forest roads and other environments, providing an environmentally friendly and quiet option for outings and remote suburbs.


  1. Maximum speed: 45km.This bike uses a high-power motor and a large-capacity battery pack, with a maximum speed of 45 kilometers per hour, meeting the driving needs of rural and suburban roads.
  2. Maximum climbing angle: 25°.Thanks to the optimization of the body design and suspension system, this bike can climb easily, with a maximum climbing angle of 25 degrees, and performs well on rugged rural roads.
  3. Cruising range: 80km.The high-efficiency design of the large-capacity battery pack and motor system enables the bike to have a cruising range of up to 80 kilometers, which can meet the daily travel needs of most users.

The power performance of electric gravel road bikes on off-road sections is also very good, mainly reflected in the following aspects:

  • High ground clearance

The body is designed with a high ground clearance, which can easily pass obstacles on the road and drive freely on rugged rural roads.


  • All-terrain tires

The wheels use specially designed all-terrain tires, which can provide good grip and passability on muddy and gravel roads.


  • Strong suspension system

The bike is equipped with a high-performance suspension system that can effectively absorb the impact of the road and provide a comfortable ride experience for the driver and passengers.

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